Client / Owner Information
Mailing Address
Is your physical address different from your mailing address?
Physical Address
About Your First Pet
Previous Animal Hospital
Would you like to add another person authorized to request treatment?
Can they make medical decisions?
Preferred method of contact:
Photography Authorization - Here at Acton Veterinary Group, we love to celebrate our patients and share pictures on our website and social media channels. Do you authorize us to use any photos of you and/or your pet’s taken during your visits with us?
Release of Records - May we release your pet’s health records to other veterinary hospitals/clinics, boarding facilities, or grooming facilities that request them?

A treatment plan will be prepared for you when diagnostics are recommended. By signing below, you assume responsibility for all charges incurred in the care of the animals on your account. ALL PROFESSIONAL FEES ARE DUE THE TIME SERVICES ARE RENDERED. We accept all major credit cards, cash, check, Care Credit, and Scratch Pay. There will be a $30.00 service charge for any check returned unpaid.

Acton Animal Hospital will be staffed during routine business hours only. Hospitalized patients will receive treatments and medications after hours as prescribed by the attending veterinarian.

Sign above