
Security Officer

Gary found his way to us through owner surrender, facing recurrent health challenges with resilience and charm. He quickly became our resident "couch surfer," a title he wears proudly as he ensures no couch blows away with him on it. Treats and catnip are Gary's weaknesses; his keen sense of smell leads him to investigate any food brought into the clinic, always willing to lend a paw in taste-testing.

A true socialite, Gary shared a special bond with Fuzzy, another clinic cat, sharing cozy spots on couches or perching together on the front counter, charming everyone who passes by. His curious nature extends to checking in on fellow cats visiting for check-ups, often found peeking into their carriers or comfortably napping on the job at the front desk.

One of Gary's talents is his prowess in the art of Olympic diving, captured in awe-inspiring moments like those seen in his photos. His playful spirit and affectionate demeanor make Gary a beloved fixture at our clinic, spreading joy and entertainment to staff and visitors alike.